Sebright Chicken

Sebright Chicken: A Rare and Beautiful Bantam Breed

Consider the Sebright chicken if you want a rare and beautiful bantam breed. This tiny bird has a striking appearance, with laced feathers contrasting with its dark body.

The Sebright chicken is a true bantam, meaning it has no large counterpart and is one of the oldest recorded British bantam breeds. It was created by Sir John Saunders Sebright, a gentleman farmer and Parliament member who spent over 20 years achieving his vision of a perfect laced bantam.

The Sebright chicken is a stunning ornamental breed and a friendly and lively companion for any poultry lover.

What Is A Sebright Chicken, And How Did It Originate?

Sebright Chicken history

A Sebright chicken is a type of bantam chicken, which means it is smaller than the standard chicken breeds. Bantams are popular for their ornamental value and ability to adapt to small spaces. Sebright chickens are one of the oldest and most distinctive bantam breeds, known for their beautiful plumage and friendly temperament.

The Sebright chicken was created in the late 18th century by Sir John Saunders Sebright, a British politician and poultry enthusiast. He wanted to produce a bantam breed with laced feathers, meaning each feather had a dark edge around a lighter center.

He crossed various breeds, such as Polish, Nankin, Hamburg, and Rosecomb bantams, until he achieved his desired result. He named the breed after himself and introduced it to the public in 1810.

The Sebright chicken comes in two main varieties: gold and silver. The gold variety has a golden base color with black lacing, while the silver variety has a white base color with black lacing. Both varieties have rose combs, which are low and flat on the head, and slate blue legs.

They also have a unique feature called hen-feathering, which means that both males and females have rounded and soft feathers, unlike most other breeds where males have pointed and stiff feathers.

Sebright chickens are considered true bantams, which means they have no large counterparts. They are very small birds, weighing only about 500-600 grams. They are also very active and curious birds that enjoy exploring their surroundings and interacting with people.

They make good pets for children and adults alike, as they are gentle and friendly. However, they can also be noisy and territorial, especially the males, who tend to crow a lot and fight with other roosters.

Sebright chickens are not very productive in terms of eggs or meat. They lay about 60-80 small white eggs annually, which are unsuitable for hatching. They also have very little meat on their bones, so they are not raised for consumption. They are mainly kept for their ornamental value and their companionship.

OriginUnited KingdomChina or Southeast AsiaUnited Kingdom or NetherlandsMalaysia
Size510-620 g680-790 g500-600 g250-500 g
ColorGold or silver lacedBlack-tailed red or buffSingle, rose, or walnutVarious colors and patterns
CombRose, without a leaderSingle or roseBlack, blue, white, or other solid colorsSingle, rose or walnut
EggWhite, 30-40 g, 60-80 per yearTinted, 35-40 g, 80-160 per yearWhite, 30-35 g, 150-200 per yearCream or tinted, 12-18 g, 160-200 per year
TemperamentActive, friendly, confident, hardyCalm, docile, friendly, broody, hardyActive, friendly, alert, hardyFriendly, calm, confident, adaptable

The Physical Appearance and Personality of Sebright Chickens

Sebright Chicken physical appearance

Sebright chickens are among the most attractive and elegant bantam breeds, thanks to their laced feathers and hen-feathering. They have a compact and symmetrical body, a short and arched back, full and round breasts, and a well-proportioned tail.

Their head is small and neat, with a rose comb, small wattles and earlobes, and a short curved beak. Their eyes are bright and expressive, and their legs are clean and slate blue.

The most striking feature of Sebright chickens is their laced feathers, which give them a refined and sophisticated look. Each feather has a dark edge around a lighter center, contrasting their shape and movement.

The lacing is more pronounced on the neck, breast, back, and wing coverts, while the flight feathers, tail feathers, and hackles are mostly solid. The lacing is also more visible in males than in females.

The Sebright chicken comes in two main varieties: gold and silver. The gold variety has a golden base color with black lacing, while the silver variety has a white base color with black lacing.

Both varieties have the same standard of perfection, except for the color. There are also some non-standard varieties, such as buff, lemon, red, and chocolate, but most poultry associations do not recognize them.

Another unique feature of Sebright chickens is their hen-feathering, which means that both males and females have rounded and soft feathers, unlike most other breeds where males have pointed and stiff feathers.

It makes them look more feminine and delicate but makes it harder to distinguish between the sexes. Their behavior and combs are the only reliable way to tell them apart. The males have larger and redder combs than the females, and they also crow, fight, and court.

Sebright chickens are beautiful to look at and charming to interact with. They are very active and curious birds that enjoy exploring their surroundings and interacting with people. They are gentle and friendly and can be easily tamed and handled.

They make good pets for children and adults alike, as they are friendly and affectionate. However, they can also be noisy and territorial, especially the males, who tend to crow a lot and fight with other roosters. They also need attention and care, as they are sensitive to cold, stress, and diseases.

Seabright Bantams

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How to Choose and Buy Healthy Sebright Chickens for Your Flock

If you are interested in adding Sebright chickens to your flock, you must choose and buy healthy and quality birds.

Sebright chickens are uncommon or easy to find, so research and contact reputable breeders or sellers. Here are some tips on how to choose and buy healthy Sebright chickens for your flock:

  • Do some research on the breed and its standards. Learn about the history, characteristics, varieties, and requirements of Sebright chickens, and compare them with your own goals and expectations. Ensure you understand what makes a good Sebright chicken and what to look for in color, shape, size, feathering, comb, legs, eyes, and behavior.
  • Find a reputable breeder or seller. Look for someone with experience and knowledge in raising and breeding Sebright chickens who can provide references and testimonials from previous customers. Avoid buying from pet stores, auctions, or online ads, as they may not have the best quality or healthiest birds. Ask the breeder or seller about their breeding practices, health and vaccination records, guarantees and policies, and availability and delivery options.
  • Inspect the birds before buying. Visit the breeder or seller in person and inspect the birds yourself. Look for good health and quality signs, such as bright eyes, clean nostrils, smooth feathers, firm flesh, red comb and wattles, slate blue legs, and positive behavior. Avoid birds with signs of illness or defects, such as dull eyes, runny noses, ruffled feathers, thin bodies, pale comb and wattles, scaly legs, or sedentary behavior. Also, check the environment where the birds are kept, and make sure it is clean, spacious, well-ventilated, and secure.
  • Choose the right age and sex for your needs. You may want to buy chicks, pullets (young females), cockerels (young males), or mature birds, depending on your purpose and preference. Chicks are cheaper and easier to find but require more care and attention, and they may not survive or grow well. Pullets are more expensive and harder to find, but they are ready to lay eggs soon. Cockerels are also more expensive and harder to find, but they are good for breeding or showing. Mature birds are the most expensive and rarest to find, but they are fully grown and developed. Also, consider the sex ratio of your flock, as too many males may cause crowing and fighting problems.
  • Transport and quarantine the birds safely. Once you have chosen and bought your Sebright chickens, you must transport them safely to your home or farm. Use a sturdy, well-ventilated carrier or crate large enough for the birds to move comfortably. Please provide them with water and food during the trip, and keep them away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. When you arrive at your destination, quarantine the birds separately from your existing flock for at least two weeks. It will allow them to adjust to their new environment and prevent any possible diseases from spreading.

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The Best Housing, Feeding, and Health Care for Sebright Chickens

Sebright Chicken coop ideas

Sebright chickens are small and delicate birds that need proper housing, feeding, and health care to thrive and live happily. They are not very hardy or cold-tolerant, so they need a warm and cozy shelter that protects them from predators, pests, and weather.

They are also very active and curious birds that need a spacious, stimulating area to roam and explore. Here are some tips on how to provide the best housing, feeding, and health care for Sebright chickens:

  • Housing: Provide a clean and comfortable coop with at least 2 square feet of floor space per bird and a minimum of 4 feet of headroom. The coop should have a solid floor covered with bedding material, such as straw, wood shavings, or sand, that can absorb moisture and odors. The coop should have a roosting area with perches at least 18 inches off the ground and a nesting area with boxes filled with soft material such as hay or shredded paper. The coop should have adequate ventilation, lighting, and insulation and be secured from predators such as dogs, cats, raccoons, foxes, hawks, or owls.
  • Feeding: Provide a balanced and nutritious diet that meets the needs of Sebright chickens. Feed them high-quality commercial poultry feed formulated for bantams or small breeds with at least 16% protein and 3% fat. You can supplement their diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, insects, worms, or mealworms, but make sure they do not exceed 10% of their daily intake. Please always provide them with fresh and clean water, and use a hanging or nipple waterer to prevent spillage and contamination. Avoid feeding them salty, spicy, sugary, or moldy foods, as they can cause health problems or poisoning.
  • Health Care: Monitor the health and behavior of your Sebright chickens regularly, and look for signs of illness or injury. Some common health issues that affect Sebright chickens are parasites (such as mites, lice, worms, or coccidiosis), respiratory infections (such as colds, bronchitis, or pneumonia), bacterial infections (such as salmonella or E. coli), fungal infections (such as thrush or aspergillosis), viral infections (such as Marek’s disease or Newcastle disease), nutritional deficiencies (such as rickets or pyrosis), or injuries (such as cuts, bruises, sprains, or fractures). If you notice any symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, gasping, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, droopy wings, swollen eyes, pale comb and wattles, lameness, or bleeding, consult a veterinarian immediately. Vaccinating your birds against common viruses such as Marek’s or Newcastle’s disease can also prevent some diseases. You can also prevent some parasites by keeping the coop and the birds clean and dry.

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The Pros and Cons of Keeping Sebright Chickens as Pets

Sebright chickens are adorable and charming birds that can make great pets for people who love poultry and have enough space and time to care for them.

They are friendly and pleasant and can bond with their owners and other animals. They are also beautiful and elegant, adding color and grace to any backyard or garden.

However, keeping Sebright chickens as pets also has drawbacks and challenges you must consider before getting them. Here are some of the pros and cons of keeping Sebright chickens as pets:


  • They are very gentle and affectionate and can be easily tamed and handled. They enjoy being petted, cuddled, and carried around, often following their owners like dogs. They can also get along well with other pets, such as cats, dogs, or rabbits, as long as they are introduced properly and supervised.
  • They are very intelligent and curious and can be trained to do tricks or respond to commands. They can also learn their names and recognize their owners’ voices. They like exploring their surroundings and playing with toys or objects stimulate their senses. They can also be entertaining and amusing, displaying their colorful feathers and lively personalities.
  • They are very attractive and unique and can enhance the beauty and diversity of your flock. Their distinctive appearance sets them apart from other chicken breeds, with their laced feathers, hen-feathering, rose comb, and slate blue legs. They also come in two main varieties: gold and silver, which have different base colors but the same lacing pattern. They are also very small and compact, which makes them easy to handle and transport.


  • They are not productive or practical and are mainly kept for their ornamental value and companionship. They lay very few eggs per year, which are small and white and unsuitable for hatching. They also have very little meat on their bones, so they are not raised for consumption. They are mainly bred for show or hobby purposes, which may not appeal to some people who want more utility from their chickens.
  • They are not very hardy or cold-tolerant and need attention and care. They are sensitive to cold, stress, and diseases and may not survive or thrive in harsh or unfavorable conditions. They need a warm, cozy shelter that protects them from predators, pests, and weather. They also need a spacious and stimulating area to roam and explore. They need a balanced and nutritious diet that always meets their needs and fresh and clean water. They need regular health checks and vaccinations to prevent common diseases or parasites.
  • They can be noisy and territorial, especially the males, who tend to crow and fight with other roosters. They can also be aggressive or dominant towards other chickens or animals that they perceive as threats or rivals. They may also be prone to pecking or bullying each other if they are overcrowded or bored. They need a proper sex ratio of one male to four or five females to avoid crowing and fighting problems. They also need a lot of socialization and interaction with their owners and other birds to keep them happy and calm.

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Tips and Tricks for Breeding and Showing Sebright Chickens

Sebright chickens are one of the oldest and most prestigious bantam breeds, and they are often bred and shown by poultry enthusiasts who appreciate their beauty and elegance.

Breeding and showing Sebright chickens can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby, but it also requires much knowledge, skill, and dedication. Here are some tips and tricks for breeding and showing Sebright chickens:

  • Breeding: To breed Sebright chickens, select healthy and quality birds that meet the breed standards and have good genetics. You must mate one male with four or five females and keep them in a separate pen or coop. You must provide them with a comfortable and stimulating environment, adequate food, water, shelter, and space. You must collect their eggs daily and incubate them at a controlled temperature and humidity. You must hatch the chicks in a brooder and provide them with heat, light, food, water, and bedding. You must monitor their growth and development and cull any chicks with defects or flaws. You must band or mark the chicks you want to keep or sell and register them with a poultry association or club.
  • Showing: To show Sebright chickens, you need to prepare them for the competition and transport them to the show venue. You must groom them carefully by trimming their nails, beaks, combs, wattles, earlobes, and feathers. You must wash them gently with warm water and mild soap and dry them thoroughly with a towel or a hair dryer. You need to polish their legs with oil or Vaseline and fluff their feathers with a brush or a comb. Using a sturdy and well-ventilated carrier or crate large enough for the birds to move comfortably would be best. You must provide them with water and food during the trip and keep them away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. You must arrive at the show venue early and check your birds with the secretary. You must place your birds in their assigned cages or pens and ensure they have water and feed. You need to follow the show rules and regulations and respect the judges and other exhibitors. You must enjoy the show experience and learn from your feedback and results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main characteristics of the Sebright chicken?

The main characteristics of the Sebright chicken are its small size, laced feathers, rose comb, hen-feathered males, and lively personality.

How did Sir John Saunders Sebright create the Sebright chicken?

Sir John Saunders Sebright created the Sebright chicken by cross-breeding various breeds of bantam chickens, such as Nankin, Hamburgh, Polish, Rosecomb, and Pit Game, over 20 years in the early 1800s.

What are the different colors of the Sebright chicken?

The different colors of the Sebright chicken are gold-laced and silver laced. The gold laced has a rich golden base color with black edging on each feather, while the silver laced has a pure white base color with black edging on each feather.

How do you care for the Sebright chicken?

To care for the Sebright chicken, you must provide them with a clean and dry coop, a balanced diet, fresh water, and protection from predators and cold weather. They also need regular grooming to keep their feathers in good condition and prevent parasites.


Sebright chickens are a rare and beautiful breed with a long and fascinating history. They are a testament to the skill and passion of Sir John Saunders Sebright, who devoted his life to creating them. They are also a delight to own and watch as they display their colorful feathers and lively personalities.

However, they are not for everyone, as they have drawbacks and challenges that require knowledge, skill, and dedication. If you are interested in adding Sebright chickens to your flock, you must choose and buy healthy and quality birds and provide them with proper housing, feeding, and health care.

You must also know the pros and cons of keeping them as pets and the tips and tricks for breeding and showing them. Sebright chickens are not productive or practical but attractive and unique. They are mainly kept for their ornamental value and companionship, and they can bring joy and beauty to any backyard or garden.

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  • Emily Dickinson

    She has a passion for sustainable living and enjoys writing about topics such as homesteading, permaculture, and organic gardening. Jenna's writing is known for its practical and informative approach, inspiring readers to live a more self-sufficient lifestyle.

    [email protected] Dickinson Emily